lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Paper Heart

I'll draw my heart on a sheet of paper,throw it out my window and let the wind find its way to you.

My heart forever lost its way,
in the path where the wind blew it away.

I thought it would get to you,
but it went threw hell,
without having a clue.

It made a trip through the deepest of seas;
crossed fire without being seen;
soundless against the seems;
it broke the walls that kept the road unclear.

Days went on and on,
and the paper got more old and old,
the heart's colors faded with time
and the heart broke in half.

Now its went on its way,
to find the half it was meant to hold.

It was already uncolored and tired,
when it gave up and retired,
the paper fell on a bench
where a girl made the other half and pasted them together with tape.

They both flew together away,
flying and flying with no fear and end.
Till the sun turned them to dust in the air,
and memories lost in paper forever they stayed.

1 comentario:

  1. "the paper fell on a bench
    where a girl made the other half and pasted them together with tape."

    Fav. Part : )

    Great imagination <3
