viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009


You promised you'd walk with me under the rain;
that you'd walk along holding my hand.

That the cold wouldn't tear us away
and freeze every small step we'd take.

Because not even the biggest storm could make us apart.

You said you wouldn't leave me behind
that made me giggle and smile.

So on my tiptoes i jumped
above the grass under my toes.

My shoes were left in the trash,
for i didn't need them more in this beautiful land.

I was happy until i saw your frown,
it made me want to tremble and hide.

"Where's your sweetest smile, dear?"
I would ask.
But you just wouldn't reply.

Later,on the grass you sat;
i saw tears filling your eyes.
This made me panic inside,
why's my love sad if i'm by his side?

I held your hand and felt no touch,
i kissed your cheek and blushed,
i grabbed your head and tried to bring it up,
but your body wouldn't react.

I sat on front of you,
speechless as i kissed your forehead,
i saw you holding something between your cold hands.

The necklace you had given me,
wet with warm tears drops mixed with the rain,
was slipping out of your hand,
it was dreadful to see your face in such state.

"Don't you cry,please."
I remember i said.

"I love you" you whisppered as you fell.

And it was until then,
that i realized i was dead.

Because of this nightmare,
i love you more and more everyday.
And i am not scared to let the world know,let me say.
I'll appreciate every moment i have with you,and show you off.
There's no brighter sun,than the one you bring up.

Only being with you,makes the rain warm and soft.
It makes my insides twirl and my blood rush.

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