sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

Happy Someday

Love's like a paper cut.
You don't notice it until it hurts.
Not until the cut opens up enough to let the blood flow.
Then it takes time for the cut to heal,
sometimes it heals fast,sometimes it heals slowly.

Is it possible to love two people
the same way and at the same time?
To tell them you love them more than anything in the world
while someone else is being said those same words?
It could happen,we're human beings,but sometimes
we should just stop the world and think about what we say
before we make someone fall.

"I can't explain what you can't explain."

Do you know the hole it creates in someone's heart?
The holes a heart has had before?
Then the holes make every good thing in someone's life
hard to remember,because those holes don't heal and they make themselves visible,
they forever stay there, and when we forget,
that's just absense, it doesn't mean we totally forgot what once hurt us,
because when we remember,you still feel something poking you hard inside your guts.

Liking someone and loving is not the same.
Like is when you slightly have a small feeling inside you and it grows little by little till it gets to the point when it turns to love;
Liking and not liking someone is possible.
But after you love someone, you love them forever.

Sometimes you know what's going to happen after you tell a person you love them;
you're scared about what the other person's reaction will be.
But have you noticed everything has an end?
Some things end sooner than others.

"Hands are shaking cold, your hands are mine to hold."

Shit happens.
Some people fuck with you and they just end up being selfish pricks.
They play with you by saying lovely things until they know how serious things are getting.
They get scared and get more and more distant little by little;
until they think you've forgotten them completely.
But no.
You never forget them.
They're in your head all the time.
You wonder what you did wrong,what happened,what wrong move you gave
or what you said, but it's not you. It's them.

I've fucked with your heart.
I owe you an apology.

Now i see myself how it feels.
Now, i am truly sorry.

"But all you gotta do is keep it strong.
And even when your hope is gone,
move along." - TAAR

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