sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009


You're not as good as i thought you'd be,
you're just another shitty person,i belive.

You. Get. Me. Confused.

I want the world to know how i feel;
How i feel towards you.

How my shyness will breakout just for you.
How i will break barriers for you.
How i'll be strong for you.
How i will have my limits for you.
How i won't hurry you.
How i'll take you easy.
How i could love you.

I will no longer tell you how i feel.
I'll close myself to you,
to see if you care enough to open, seek, and see.

I'll be honest with you;
I no longer know
what i feel for you.
Sometimes,you just get me so confused that i go blank.

You broke the veins that kept the blood rushing to my heart and all over every extent of my body.
Now i'm senseless and useless.
I'm lying. But it really stopped my heart's beating.

Sometimes i'm serious,and you take things as a joke.
Sometimes i remember sweet things you've said, and you don't remember shit.
Sometimes i tell you i love you;
this time you didn't reply.

I shouldn't care much of small things,
but every detail is a perfectioned memory;
and every perfectioned memory is something good to keep for a while,now, isn't it?

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