domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Love Lockdown

I couldn't sleep last night.

Thoughts haunted me of how things could be with you,
and how they could be with him.

But it was an error i made.
No one could ever replace a breath taking person as you;
sometimes it's so normal to be with you that i make
believe you're not there.
Others it makes my heart speed up and leaves my
head plain empty.

When you're here,it makes me happy :)
When you're not, it's sad to say, but i feel like you never existed.
But then,i miss you.

I no longer know what it is to be in love.
I can say,from my old experiences ;

You make it be how you want it to be,
may be an honest love, by caring, showing affection, & saying how you feel,
but it also could all be all a lie or sometimes the other person doesn't feel shit even if they say they do;
just to keep themselves from being alone or to use you,we humans just don't like being lonesome.
Love may be everything,MANY THINGS!, and nothing at the same time.

"Love's just way too complicated, take the risk & adventure, or leave it."

I abuse those three words depending on the moment.
There's only one person who i say it to and mean it,
other than that,
baby, you've been lied to.
Welcome to my world.

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