domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009


Go deep,
deeper down,

"Will you come with me?"

I can't.

"It's cold in here."

I know,but we'll make it through.

"Where? Do i go deeper? I think i see it."

Yeah, tie the treasure to the rope and i'll pull it up.

"Okay. Baby, i love you."

Well, i sure don't love you.

"Wait! What? What are you doing? NO. Don't turn the lights off, baby? I can't see. I need you! I thought.. No, no! NO! Don't you leave me here,i can't.. i can't breathe, DID YOU TURN OFF THE OXYGEN? I .. i think i'm drowning.."

Goodnight & goodbye, sweetie.

" At least i loved you till the end,and i am, as i fade away in this ocean, as my tears mix with this grave you made for me. Body as white as a sheet, each hair of my body preparing for this second goodbye, my body trembling as i know i won't feel your body's heat anymore, floating and floating not looking for a place to stay in,but it's heartwarming to say I had you. Your heart's the only place i was safe in."

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