jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

I'll Learn;

Decisions we make are made by us and not by who surround us.

It doesn't depend on the society,our family or friends; but us.

They'll learn to love us anyway;to love us the same way they did when they knew about our existance if they really do "love" who you were,are,and will be.

No one can stop you,only you can stop yourself from mistakes you think you'll make.

Experiment the unknown,be prepared for the hidden,help yourself learn and move on.

We don't know what tomorrow brings for us, so don't waste a moment as of today.

Don't expect life to be amazing, or life to stop being miserable, expect to live it and not waste it.

Buy things that will bring you memories of how you used to be,good and bad, and see the change you've created in others and yourself.

It's not all just about you.

There are a bunch of people secretly wanting to learn about you, don't blow them away if they're taking their time with you, because every second is worth more than you imagine.

Stories, novels, books, notes, lines, words; all with no end.

And guess what?

You could have written your past, and your present.

But you won't know the future;

this is & could be your future, the second that's coming, and now.

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