miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010


I'll burn up this blanket of our so called love.

Fill the sheets of our bed with only lust.

Forget your existance bothers me at all,

and put my heart in a box.

I am shaking and i'm cold,

but i'm sure you won't hold on.

So why cry if you aren't worth my fall?

I won't whisper i loved you so.

I'll disappear behind your words

swim towards your hate and turn it off.

You can't smile if you're hurt,

so let me fix you love, oh, love.

I'll let the sun burn what's left of us,

And the moon collapse with your frozen heart,

I'll cool it down with my heat and warmth,

but only if you promise it will be worth it all.

I'll hold your hand until dawn breaks down,

and stare at the light making your skin shine.

There's no other heartwarming smile than the one you share around,

it makes me feel happy and alive.

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