jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009

I'm so sick.

Playful in everyway;
thoughtless in every act.

Say those words you wish to say but not mean.
Did you know you could damage one's heart like this?
We say things we don't feel;
but c'mon,you took it to extremes.

I know how it feels to see the same routine over and over again;
to see no healing in the broken feelings inside;
to see how i turn more cold and sour with time;
to see nothing's changed between whoeveryouare and I.

Oh,what a surprise.
When you find out i won't give a shit about that.
About your life and your problems,
your issues and your sadness.

If you didn't show you cared at first,
why should i show i ever cared in the past and now?
It won't change a thing.
It would just burn the page that was unfinished here.

With an end comes a new begining;
and with a new bigining comes an end.

It's an endless cycle.

I won't let you twist my heart and veins
and bring me into pain;
to bring tears into my face
until they drought away in my bed,
to make a pool in which i wouldn't have strenght
to move forward and fade;
but it's good to say,
i am done for today.

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