jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010


A night with you is a never endless dream, and i'm sure that in that dream,you won't leave.

And that i'll fall asleep in your arms while you humm me a sweet lullaby.
That your heartbeat will stop my heart.

That maybe you can't sleep, and we stay up all night.
Just talking about random things and such stuff.

That your smile will enlighten my night and make my heart finally beat fast.

That the breeze will freeze by itself when you warm me up with the touch of your tanned, kindly soft,smooth skin and it will burn mine.

That when you kiss me, everything will be gone,nothing else will exist.
That my lungs and heart will stop working properly; my breath going deep but shallow and slow will make me loose control.

That the sweetness and color on your lips will turn vivid and take away the black and white colors in my life and surroundings.
The ants making a hole in my stomach made of insecurity and shyness will drift away and disappear in the distance when you grab me.

Our innocence will be lost in kisses and in our light but firm touchs.
Then i'll be safe,it won't be just a faint line.
You will be mine.

But at the end everything will make sense,
because i'll me woken up,
it was just a dream.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010


In between so many small decisions,
They're all yet so hard.
Perhaps I should give up on everything,
But I'm sure I'll hurt people so bad.

So few people,
So few smiles.
And what would I do,
If I shut them out?

Everything is..distant.
Even if they appear to be quite close.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Near You

If I was a tear;
I'd peacefully move out from your eyes,
where the light of the moon reflects your beauty inside.
I'd slowly caress your cheeks,
those that wrinkle up when your smile is quite seen.
I'd move swiftly through-out your soft skin,
til you felt a touch that was sincere.
And at last I'd have a taste of your lips;
and I'm sure you'd end up having a taste of the love that I give.



If I had your shirt on I'd have the feeling of being home,
the smell of your perfume would have shaked my sadness all off.
It would have certainly kept me warm,
just knowing you had it on would lighten up a spark.
It would feel soft and full of charm,
knowing I would have to return it made me smile.
You'd have to come and pick it up,
and take me with you by your side all along .

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010


Sometimes i want to get away.

Perhaps it's easier than all this, i must say.

What's the difference between love in

the bones or in flesh?

When it's love in flesh it could easily fade away.

After a taste of it,you could get enough.

It's not soft, but very rough.

It's superficial,not deep enough to last.

It just leaves sooner or later very fast.

Love in bones is to the core.

It would be hard to have it and just let go.

An addiction hard to fix; there's no rehab for a love like this.

It's like trying to walk without something to sustain you;

it's so scary and painful;

but knowing someone's behind you,holding you tightly but gently while you walk;

knowing they wouldn't let you fall through the worst and all,

is a relief and a cure to the illness of a heartbroken folk.

No one can rule over love.

It's undefined, so it sure can't be redefined.

Don't try to fix something you can't see;

but try to fix what you can feel.

Don't try to love what you see;

simply fall for what that person makes you feel.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010


I'll burn up this blanket of our so called love.

Fill the sheets of our bed with only lust.

Forget your existance bothers me at all,

and put my heart in a box.

I am shaking and i'm cold,

but i'm sure you won't hold on.

So why cry if you aren't worth my fall?

I won't whisper i loved you so.

I'll disappear behind your words

swim towards your hate and turn it off.

You can't smile if you're hurt,

so let me fix you love, oh, love.

I'll let the sun burn what's left of us,

And the moon collapse with your frozen heart,

I'll cool it down with my heat and warmth,

but only if you promise it will be worth it all.

I'll hold your hand until dawn breaks down,

and stare at the light making your skin shine.

There's no other heartwarming smile than the one you share around,

it makes me feel happy and alive.

sábado, 9 de enero de 2010


Like an image freshly drawn,

black lines that seem like endless roads,

lead you to an especific point.

But is there a point for everything,in all?

Looking for answers that can't be found,

and creating questions that can't be answered

tend to fill my head until it drives me mad.

Sometimes i think so much that i think my brain will pause;

but it doesn't.

It keeps on "Play" just when i think it stopped.

It exhausts my body to a point that i have no energy left to open my eyelids

and then i find out i fell asleep, when the sun awakes me.

And it's like a song,

when i think of you.

Every person i have in my memory, has its own song to play.

Well,i don't know yours,and i can't seem to find it.

I'm not sure i will.

The sky's the limit,and your heart's in a cloud.

Why are you so out of reach,love of mine?

So i'll sleep tonight,and forget you won't arrive.

Because it would hurt my heart knowing i can't reach out,

to you.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

I Promise, I can't.

Well, is it easy to keep my word?

Not so.

Sometimes i feel like i'll give up on it,but then i remember i'd fail to you.

It's not easy,trust me.

Sometimes i want things..

Things you wouldn't understand; but it doesn't stop me anyway.

To allure is not so amazing because i know i can't have what i want.

But i won't break it,not for you.

Even if it gets hard sometimes.

I'll try my best,

and if i fail, i'm sorry.

I'll apologize non-stop till i don't have oxygen inside my lungs.

I know i wouldn't have to apologize to you,but to myself.

Because that would just bring me problems,

but tell me,darling, who can help love?

Nothing can.

Your body can't,

Your brain can't,

your conscience can't,

No one can.

Love can only help itself;

It will find its way to make things work no matter what.

No matter what it takes,

if love's strong enough,

it'll make its own way through the biggest of crowds.

You can want,

but not command your heart's wishes.