jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010


A night with you is a never endless dream, and i'm sure that in that dream,you won't leave.

And that i'll fall asleep in your arms while you humm me a sweet lullaby.
That your heartbeat will stop my heart.

That maybe you can't sleep, and we stay up all night.
Just talking about random things and such stuff.

That your smile will enlighten my night and make my heart finally beat fast.

That the breeze will freeze by itself when you warm me up with the touch of your tanned, kindly soft,smooth skin and it will burn mine.

That when you kiss me, everything will be gone,nothing else will exist.
That my lungs and heart will stop working properly; my breath going deep but shallow and slow will make me loose control.

That the sweetness and color on your lips will turn vivid and take away the black and white colors in my life and surroundings.
The ants making a hole in my stomach made of insecurity and shyness will drift away and disappear in the distance when you grab me.

Our innocence will be lost in kisses and in our light but firm touchs.
Then i'll be safe,it won't be just a faint line.
You will be mine.

But at the end everything will make sense,
because i'll me woken up,
it was just a dream.