jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010


In between so many small decisions,
They're all yet so hard.
Perhaps I should give up on everything,
But I'm sure I'll hurt people so bad.

So few people,
So few smiles.
And what would I do,
If I shut them out?

Everything is..distant.
Even if they appear to be quite close.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Near You

If I was a tear;
I'd peacefully move out from your eyes,
where the light of the moon reflects your beauty inside.
I'd slowly caress your cheeks,
those that wrinkle up when your smile is quite seen.
I'd move swiftly through-out your soft skin,
til you felt a touch that was sincere.
And at last I'd have a taste of your lips;
and I'm sure you'd end up having a taste of the love that I give.



If I had your shirt on I'd have the feeling of being home,
the smell of your perfume would have shaked my sadness all off.
It would have certainly kept me warm,
just knowing you had it on would lighten up a spark.
It would feel soft and full of charm,
knowing I would have to return it made me smile.
You'd have to come and pick it up,
and take me with you by your side all along .